Happy Tuesday, writers! Today I have an amazing opportunity to share with you, one that I've personally been reaping the benefits of this month. As you might have already seen on my social media accounts, The Genius Blogger's Toolkit is live and on sale from September 21st to the 28th. Today I'd like to share a sneak peek into what this kit comes with and why it'll change your life!
But first thing's first, a little story time. If you read my last post Writing Full-Time: What It Has Taught Me you'll already have a good understanding of my background as a writer. Nine months ago I was working dead end jobs and getting nowhere close to achieving my goals as a writer. I had dreams of starting a blog and making a living as a full-time writer. I also desperately wanted to write a book and get it published. But living pay check to pay check and worrying about how I was going to handle both a job and writing was overwhelming. I spent 8-10 hours a day on my feet and by the time I got home, cooked dinner, and took care of the chores I was always too exhausted to write. I spent almost three years of my life in that pattern...and boy do I regret it now!
After quitting my last retail job and vowing to never return, I made a promise to myself. I was going to make a living by blogging and writing books no matter what it took. I had no experience, no income, and no idea what I was doing when it came to running a blog. But you know what I've learned? Knowledge is absolutely the most important element when it comes to building your own business- and that's exactly what writing full-time is. A business.
Now with no degree in business or marketing, learning how to build your own company is difficult. But, it can be done with the right amount of willpower and elbow grease. Knowing that I would have to learn almost everything from scratch in order to be successful, it didn't take me long to hit the ground running. I started searching online and pouring through blogs and articles about "How To Be A Successful Blogger" and "How To Make Six Figures Through Blogging". I signed up for a bunch of email freebies promising "Successful Guides To Blogging" and "The Ultimate Guide To Learning How To Be A Blogger". None of which actually gave me the insight I was looking for. Most of them were a marketing gimmick out to get my email, didn't work, or they were just unhelpful. Without a lot of money to pay for the more expensive courses out there, things were looking pretty bleak.

It made me wish there was a magical place where someone had done all the searching for me, all the fact-checking, sorting through materials, had compiled it in one neat little bundle, and had put a pretty bow on top of the price tag.
Guys...guess what?
Ultimate Bundles did that for me (and for you)! They got together with 86 successful bloggers from all different niches and created this tidy package packed to the brim with useful, credible, and HELPFUL information about blogging. Not only that, but it comes in different media forms and covers all the blogging topics we've been dying to learn about.
So what's the breakdown?
In The Genius Blogger's Toolkit you'll receive:
53 Ecourses
15 Ebooks
11 Templates
7 Printables
And $1,500 in bonuses!
If it were a physical gift basket, this is what it would look like:

And the best part? You own them for life! Once you purchase your package, you've got six months to download them off the menu page and then after that you never lose them. You can take your time reading through all the information and refer back to it whenever you want. It's great if you're a busy-body like me. I can start and stop whenever I want or need to without worrying about my materials disappearing.
Not only is it all the information you could ever need, but they've made it easy to navigate through. Check it out for yourself below. This is the interface for the materials. As you can see, it's orderly and easy to read. They even offer a bundle tour to help you get started and options to download everything all at once as well as a user manual.

The next thing you see on this page is a menu listing all the topics inside the bundle. There's things like affiliate marketing, content creation, creating and selling products, email marketing, getting started, graphics and design, legal, mindset, networking and growth, podcasting and video, productivity and organization, social media, traffic and SEO, and website and tech. Literally everything you need in order to learn how to build a successful blog!

And if you're one of those browsers who like to visually see everything before you pick what you want to learn about, there's a handy-dandy scroll bar that lets you see every individual goodie inside. It's visually beautiful and it's really cool to be able to just go down the list and see just how much is included within this package. It truly is the "ultimate bundle", pun intended.

I'll be going through some of the individual topics listed inside this bundle later this week so tune in to my Instagram @writingitwells to see more details!
I know what you're thinking. Okay, this sounds nice, but how do I actually know if it's going to help me?

I was skeptical when I first saw it too. But...I'm also a writer ready to take her blog to the next level. I've been working round the clock to provide valuable content to my readers, engaging with my audience on social media, and I've put together a marketing strategy. The only problem is, I'm not seeing the traffic on my blog that I feel I should be.
That's why I chose to purchase my own Genius Blogger's Toolkit this year. I'm TIRED of putting in the effort with little to show for it. I'm DONE wasting my time reading through posts from bloggers who have no idea what they're talking about. I'm READY to take the next step and access the knowledge that will make me SUCCESSFUL.
So I took the leap, and bought my toolkit. At $97 a bundle, I felt like it was a reasonable price for what was offered. Compared to a lot of the courses I had seen listed online this was a HUGE steal and a decision I felt comfortable making as an investment for my future and the future of my writing business.
This is what the toolkit promises:
Get more traffic to your website
Grow your email list
Make the most of social media
Write even better content
Create and sell profitable products
Make money with affiliate marketing
Beautify your blog design
Understand the tech and legal sides of blogging
I don't know about you, but I could DEFINITELY use all of those!

What made me feel even better about purchasing (besides the pure awesomeness of what's involved), is the 30 day money back guarantee. Ultimate Bundle is so sure that I'm going to love what they've curated that they've given me 30 days to try it out. If I'm not satisfied or decide it's not for me, I can get my money back no problem.
Now that's confidence.
So let's review:
You get alllll of these resources- 86 different blogging items- worth $7,484.88 for ONLY $97. You must be dreaming right?

Nope! That's the honest price. A 97% mark-down!
But wait! There's even more. You have the option to buy the bundle with the cheat sheets included, which means you won't have to waste your time taking notes or wait to read through everything before you start implementing the new ideas and strategies you learn. That means you save time and make money from your blog faster!
How amazing is that?
Don't wait! If you're truly ready to make blogging work for you, don't miss out on this amazing offer due to indecision. Take the leap like I did. Don't think about all the things that are holding you back from success. BE Successful.
The clock is ticking down for the sale as we speak:
Ready to reap the rewards of a successful blog?
Me too!
You'll have a choice between option 1: Regular Bundle

and Option 2: Bundle with cheat sheets

Ready for the next step?
Check out this Q & A filled with commonly asked questions. Maybe this will help you make up your mind.
Q: I write books. Is this package still for me?
A: Absolutely! Think about what comes after writing a book. Publishing and marketing, right? That being said if you're self-publishing you should invest in a step-by-step guide that will teach you how to appropriately market yourself as a writer. Typically authors have websites, blogs, social media- all the techniques inside this bundle can easily be applied to the writing field as well. Also remember, if you purchase and find it's not what you're looking for, you can always return it.
Q: $97 is still a lot...is it really worth it?
A: It's true, $97 is still a good amount of money. But think about the value of what you're receiving when you buy the toolkit. Just ONE of the blogging Ecourses out of the 53 offered in the bundle can range anywhere from $300+. That's a LOT! And you'll be getting 53 of them along with 15 Ebooks, 11 Templates, 7 printables, plus the bonus content. A $7,484.88 value for only $97. I think the real question here is whether you'd rather spend $7,000+ trying to find individual pieces of information on your own versus saving yourself time and money by buying the bundle today.
Q: Will I actually use all of these products?
A: Probably not. But that’s expected. With this bundle, you can try dozens of approaches for one discounted price and invest in the strategies that work best for you. It’s also good to remember that while some of these will be perfect for you immediately, there are others you might not come back to for a little while. But when you’re ready for them, you’ll be so glad they’re there. Plus, most people will find at least a few bonuses that are a great value for them, so that’s an additional perk on top of the products.
Q: There's so much bad information out there- How can I trust this toolkit?
A: Ultimate Bundle hates that yucky, spammy internet marketing stuff as much as you do. Their team spent months scouring the resources out there and personally looking through each one to determine whether it met their standards or not. These are products that they’d use and trust themselves, and with several bloggers on their team (and bloggers being the main people that they work with) they know the kind of information that’s valuable, and the kind that’s not worth your time. They promise, they picked the good stuff.
Q: How much time will it take to use the toolkit?
A: It’s really up to you how much time you want to spend using it. It could be reading through eBooks 5-10 minutes per day as you have a few spare moments, or committing one night per week to working through several eCourses, or any other amount of time that makes sense to you. You’ll have these eBooks forever, and many of the eCourses come with lifetime access after you register for them, so there’s really no rush.
Q: What exactly will I receive?
A: You’ll get 15 eBooks, 53 eCourses, 7 printables and workbooks, 11 templates, and the option to redeem 15 bonuses, if you’d like to. All of these resources will be available to you for six months in our easy-to-use private access area, which you’ll have a personal login for.
Q: Isn't all this information already out there for free?
A: While you can find some of this information from the various authors on their websites, in their podcasts, through their email newsletters, and all the good stuff they offer for free, most content creators save their very best content for the products they sell (and understandably so). And while you might be able to piece together a lot of this information to give you a good idea of what you need to do, it would take you literally hundreds and hundreds of hours to read and search for and organize it all. Or, you could just spend the $97 and have a neat and tidy package of carefully-curated content provided for you.
Q: I'm not sure I want to buy the bundle. Can I buy it later?
A: Unfortunately that's not the way it works. In order to convince their partners to offer such a huge discount on their trainings, Ultimate Bundle has agreed to sell the toolkit for a 5 day period only. Sometimes they offer flash sales on popular bundles, but to be safe, you should buy it now.
Pretty convincing right?

Sign up for your GENIUS BLOGGER'S TOOLKIT today while supplies last!
Ultimate Bundle is offering a chance to become a better blogger and succeed in earning a full-time income as a writer. While no one can guarantee you success, you can be elevated to the next level by gaining the knowledge you need to generate income, market smart, and produce content that readers everywhere will want to take part in.
Affiliate Links Disclaimer: When you visit www.writingitwells.com and click on a link, it may be an affiliate link. This means that I will be paid a small percentage of money for the service, software, program, or product I am recommending. I only recommend what I use personally, with integrity and authenticity being of utmost importance. Thanks for visiting!
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