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4 Blog Posts That Will Help You Build Your Author Brand

Building your author brand can be an ever-evolving process filled with discovery, learning, and decisions galore. If you're looking to update your brand, building it (or rebranding), want to enhance it, or are just searching for why it matters, we've got you covered in the posts below! All you have to do is click on the image and it'll take you where you need to be.

woman with laptop

Your author brand refers to the cultivated image that represents you and your author business. It's not just one element but rather a collection of images, fonts, textures, color palettes, written copy, and quotes- mixed with your own ideas, personal essence, and style. If done well, your author brand can convey a clear message to your ideal reader and can be one of your greatest assets when it comes to selling your novels. For ways to refine your author brand click here or on the image above.

woman holding coffee cup and typing on laptop

As an author, you've undoubtedly thought about creating book merchandise for your book before. It's something every author dreams of, but not a venture that every authors feels is necessary or plausible. Whether it's financial hardship, not knowing where to start, or feeling like it's a waste of time, there are a multitude of reasons why authors don't move forward with creating a merch line. While we understand that not everyone is in a position to follow through, this post is for the authors who are on the fence but seriously looking into why they should. If you're looking to know how adding merchandise to enhances your author brand click here or on the image above.

woman writing with coffee next to her

If you're serious about publishing and have done your research, you're probably familiar with the term "author brand". Numerous sources online, book coaches, and marketing experts all agree- having an author brand is crucial to your success as an author regardless of how you publish. But for someone new to publishing and book marketing in general, hearing this can be daunting at best and confusing at worst. Click here or on the image above to learn why your author brand is important and how it impacts your book sales.

woman writing in front of desktop computer

Authors everywhere are searching for the same thing: exposure. If you're lucky enough to have a traditional publisher a lot of this comes with the paved territory. But when you're an independent or self-published author marketing and gaining an audience can become a DIY project. For many self-published writers building an author brand is a weak spot. Confusion, lack of direction, and being an introvert can all stack against you when you're trying to establish an effective author platform online. At times it can feel discouraging...and sometimes downright impossible. If you're looking to build your author brand for the first time or need a rebranding click here or the image above to learn how!

No matter where you are in your author branding process, this post can help you enhance, rebrand, and build your brand so that you reach your ideal reader and find success in your book sales.


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