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The Ultimate Guide To Hiring A Book Editor

Hiring an editor comes with a lot of choices. How do you know what the difference between one editor or another is? What should you choose- an editor or a service? If you're trying to find an editor for the first time, it can easily become an overwhelming process. Today we're here to make that journey easier. For the entire month of August we'll be going over the editing process and how to find and hire an editor in our Editing Series.

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The bottom line is that we as authors only have so much to base our decisions on- recommendations, reviews, and pricing. In a perfect world there would be a more in-depth process, but the reality is that there's only so much we can do to be prepared before taking a leap of faith. Through research and understanding our options we can make the best decision when it comes to hiring our editor(s). In today's post we'll be mapping out the options, looking at pricing, and comparing editors to editor services.

Know What Type of Editor You Need

It's important going into this process to know what type of editor you're looking for. Otherwise you're going to be floating around the internet wondering which is the right one and chances are you'll be wasting more time trying to figure it out versus actually finding someone to hire.

There are 4 types of editing you need to know:

Here is a condensed break-down to make sure we're on the same page before moving forward.

  • Developmental editing is the first type to occur, you usually have to have written a few drafts first, and you do not have to have a professional handle the process.

  • Copy editing is the second round. This should be done by a Copy Editor, and is something every book needs. It fixes the grammar/spelling errors in a manuscript.

  • Line editing is the third round. It is done by a Line Editor. This ensures the elements of a story are consistent throughout and that the language used is polished overall. Also a necessity.

  • Proofreading is the final necessary editing stage. It occurs right before publication to confirm that everything looks the way its supposed to before the book is sent for distribution.

To learn more about each type, check out my post 4 Types of Editing You Need To Know. You'll see a more detailed explanation for each plus examples.

Keep in mind that most editors offer a free consultation, so if you read our article but still aren't exactly sure what you need, feel free to reach out and speak to an editor you're interested in. They'll be the ones to confirm for sure whether or not they can help you.

Okay, so now that you know the different types, it's time to discuss the options.

When it comes to finding an editor, there's two ways you can go about it. The first is to search for a service that provides editors, the second is to Google editors by themselves and go through their individual sites.

Let's be honest, neither of these options sounds fun. It will likely result in hours of research, and then depending on what you're looking for, a few more to determine pricing.

That's where we're looking out for you!

Today we're taking a step out of the researching process to help save you time and effort. We've compiled a list of top editors and editing services for you to check out at your leisure.

Editing Services

We're starting out with editing services because its a little easier to grasp without being overwhelmed. We'll be talking about seven of them here today and providing the links so you can explore them on your own later.

With over 300 editors listed within this international Chicago-based agency, they offer services in a large range of genres and specializations. They have both British and American editors on their payroll and can edit in both UK and US English styles. Pricing is determined by the type of editing you need and the speed of delivery required. Keep in mind that depending on where you are located, this option can cost a little more.

This service is based on hiring editors on a freelance basis. Budget-friendly, they offer services to suit all price ranges, which is awesome! You do have to take certain precautions when working with freelancers of course. You'll want to do your own screening process- check out their reputation and reviews, contact a few of their former clients, communicate clearly about your needs and timeline, work out a set schedule, discuss payment expectations, to name a few. This can be an excellent option for someone who requires a more personalized or flexible schedule when it comes to timeline or services in general.

This online editing service has been around a long time. With over 300 experienced and competent editors, you can fill in how quickly you want your book edited and what type of editing you require into their search engine and be matched with editors perfectly suited to your needs. Pricing is determined by your deadline and word count requirements. Click here to get a free quote! Depending on how you look at it, their professional over personal approach can be either a pro or con. The service acts as a middle man between editor and client, meaning you never actually get to meet the editor themselves and only deal directly with the customer service team. This is great for ensuring quality control, but obviously lacks the personal connection some writers prefer.

If you're looking for an affordable option, Ebook Launch is a great one. Their professional editors can provide the necessary polishing for a fraction of the prices of other editing services. They offer a free edit of 750 words to help you determine whether you want to hire them, which is excellent if you're curious or having trouble deciding what service to hire. Another bonus is that they are a smaller team who can also provide book cover designs and formatting options to foster a one-stop-shop type experience as opposed to just editing.

Reedsy is one of our personal favorites. This online marketplace has a wide variety of editors for every skill level and genre. One of the greatest things about this service is their strict standards when it comes to the professionals they hire. Only the best get listed on their website, making the process easy and trustworthy without all the hassle. Better still is that they don't just hire editors. They also have book cover designers, writers to help out with projects, and more!

At first glance, you might not think that Author Packages provides editing services, but they do! If you're looking to hire a proofreading editor in addition to book cover design services look no further. They can help you get ready for publication without having to hire multiple people, especially when you only need the basics.

Experience matters. That's why Book Editing Associates was formed in 1998. Their goal is connect writers with editors and proofreaders with experience working in traditional publishing houses. They've since expanded, providing professionals who can help with the self-publishing process as well. That's great news for Indie authors everywhere! Their team includes award-winning editors and ghostwriters. Another perk? Writers work directly with the editors they choose. No middle man here. Rates vary depending on the editor. For contact and pricing quotes, use this submission form.

These services offer a way to find what you need without having to do the dirty work of checking references and comparing editors.

Professional Editors at a Glance...

If you're not crazy about enlisting a service to help you, no worries! We've compiled a list of editors with their own businesses for you to choose from. In each chart you'll find the editor's name, their rates, the services offered, and what genres they accept. Below each you'll see more details in the form of a short blurb so that you can get a feel for each style and personality. The links to each site will also be included so that if you like what you see, you can investigate further.

My Two Cents Editing: A trio of editors working under one name, it features Matthew Arkin, Meghan Pinson, and Rhonda Erb. These three editors each provide a different part of the whole experience, all while sticking to their founding principle of "Good editing is an exercise in empathy that serves readers through writers".

The Write Practice: A dedicated team of editors and contributors, this is a community for writers who want to be successful, not just an editing service. Created by Joe Bunting, a bestselling writer, novelist, and dad, you'll find useful writing information, a writing community, tons of resources, and editing services that will help you reach your manuscript end-goals.

Christina Kaye: A Reedsy editor, here is what she has to say about her process: "I'm a well-established, professional freelance editor, and I also am a staff editor for a large publisher. I have worked with hundreds of authors from newbies to best-sellers. I offer affordable rates and fast turnaround times. I'm also an award-winning author, so I know what authors want and need when working with an editor". Sounds pretty good to me!

Michelle Barker, David Brown: Two editors from the team of The Darling Axe, this group defines themselves as "an open-minded, forward-thinking group" who is interested in both literary and genre fiction. Their wittiness doesn't end there, they also host a writing blog called The Chopping Blog.

Maggie Lyons: Another Reedsy editor, Maggie has "more than thirty years of experience in thoughtful assessment editing, copyediting, and proofreading for all who seek to improve the quality of their writing". Her "goal is to ensure that none of your words can be misunderstood and your message is clear and compelling for your readers".

Jenny Hutton: Jenny is an Editor, Copywriter and Publishing Consultant. She specializes in women’s fiction, historical, crime/ thriller, YA and romance. She is based out of London, England. She's worked with a variety of different clients from the major publishing houses to start-up digital lists.

Liam Carnahan: The Founder and Chief Editor of Invisible Ink Editing. He edits under the mantra of "Honest, Friendly, and Professional". Based out of Sydney, Australia according to his bio "His love reading and writing started early in childhood, shortly after he learned his ABCs. As an adult, he attended Emerson College in Boston, where he received a degree in Writing, Literature, and Publishing. There he discovered his passion and talent for helping other writers improve their work. He’s been working as an editor, journalist, and writer for the past seven years and is still loving every second of it".

Lix Dexter: With her site Libroediting, defines herself in her bio as "Based in Birmingham, UK, but working with clients all around the world, I offer a tailor-made package of proofreading, copyediting, typing, localization and transcription services." She is also passionate about "encouraging other people to run their own business and free themselves from employment into self-employment", something she writes about in her own published works.

Katie McCoach: If you're looking for a personal approach, search no further! With Katie's open nature and welcoming smile, you're sure to find an editing home on her site. For when you "need a guide who knows when to cut, when to expand, and when to stop for coffee", Katie is there for all your developmental editing needs.

Leslie Watts: As a Writership’s founder and a Story Grid Certified Editor, Leslie has edited hundreds of stories "including those of New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal best-selling authors, and books featured on ABC, NBC, Business Insider, and Audible’s Highest Rated Audiobooks". She also says: "I love helping writers tell their stories and share their unique gifts with the world. I also find fulfilment in teaching writers about the craft of fiction, which I do through Writership and Fundamental Fridays posts on the Story Grid site".

Georgette Taylor: With her site called Taylor Your Writing, that's exactly what Georgette plans to do. She defines herself as "that person who always sends grammatically-correct text messages. I’m that person who mourns the ending of great books. I’m that person who spots typos on menus and gets excited when someone asks me to look at their writing. I’m that person who can help you." With her

Bachelor’s degree in English from the University of North Texas, Poynter ACES Certificate in Editing, and her experience as an English teacher for grades 7-12, she's sure to channel her knowledge and helpfulness into helping you craft the perfect manuscript.

Derek Murphy: If you like an air of adventure and whimsy, search no further. On Derek's blog CreativIndie, he defines his process as "I teach creative people how start profitable freelance businesses, produce and sell their best work, and “blaze a trail of creative luminosity". If that doesn't inspire/motivate you, then maybe his sales history and pursuit of higher education will.

Deborah Bancroft: Known for "Making Words Behave Since 1996", Deb has an entire page of reviews dedicated to her creativity, professionalism, dedication, and commitment to excellence. Her clients particularly love her snarky comebacks and no-nonsense flat rate.

Maya Rock: If you prefer someone with credentials and lots of experience, Maya is the editor for you. As the founder of Fresh Ink Book Editing, she's used to working with authors who go on to win awards. Alison Weaver author of Gone to the Crazies wrote this of her: “Maya Rock is a wonderful editor. Her patience, dedication, and attention to detail are valued skills rarely found in the industry today. ”

Judith Henstra: Henstra is the senior editor at The Book Helpline team. Based in the Netherlands, this is actually a team of freelance editors dedicated to independent authors and small publishers. Their mission statement is: "Our goal is to help authors make their book the best it can be; engaging for the reader, fluent, and grammatically sound. We’re as keen as you are to make your book a success!"

Debra Hartmann: With the word "Pro" in the title of her site, you know you'll be working with the best when you hire Debra. She's got twenty-five years of experience writing, editing, proofreading, publishing, and hiring and managing teams of publishing professionals. When you work with her, you get the whole team of "exceptional editors, designers, and publishing consultants" that "provide quality and affordable services for most genres. From traditional publishing to self-publishing, we’ve got you covered!"

Cassandra Dunn: If you're the kind of writer who would feel better placing your work into experienced hands and don't mind paying a bit more for it, definitely check out Cassandra's website. She's got a rock star resume with her 20 years of experience and wide range of genres that she's edited. Adding to her lists of accomplishments are her MFA in Creative Writing, her own experience as a traditionally published author, and her promise to give "extensive feedback on plotting, character development, pacing, story arc, as well as a clean, copyedited manuscript".

Wendy Janes: With her own experiences into Indie publishing, Wendy can relate to those going through self-publishing or hybrid publishing routes. This is her mission statement: "I love the excitement and the camaraderie of the indie sector, and that wonderful sense of expectation when you send off your manuscript for consideration. It gives me great joy to be part of that buzz by offering my proofreading skills to authors at a discounted rate, alongside my ongoing work for publishers".

C.S. Larkin: With her personable approach and friendly welcome page, C.S. Larkin shares "I’m a novelist, a copyeditor, a writing coach, a mom, a backpacker, and a whole bunch of other things." Down-to-earth and eager to help, her services range from copyediting to critiques.

Leigh Hogan: With her quirky, no-fuss style Hogan captures your attention and leaves you curious for more. She's dedicated to keep your voice authentic. "I don’t aim for formal perfection but an imitation of life with all its warts," she writes on her About Page. "While I’m sharing with you, I want you to hear my voice and know not only the meaning of my pretty words but also the nature of the woman who’s writing them. The same holds true for your characters; I want each to stand out as an individual".

While these are only some of the fantastic editors out there, they're definitely unique and offer a lot of different options for those looking to publish. From formal and professional, to warm-hearted and helpful, to quirky and sarcastic, find the editor that will work the best for you and your story in today's post.


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