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Genre 101: The Complete List of Genres & Subgenres for Fiction Writing Part 1

Last week we started our July Genre series here on Writing It Wells. We learned about what genre is and why it's important. Now it's time to delve into the genres and subgenres themselves, naming them and finding out what they're all about. Since there are so many categories, we'll be covering fantasy, horror, mystery, and romance here in part 1, with science fiction, thriller and suspense, and westerns covered in part 2.

There are 7 main categories that most subgenres fall under:

All of the subgenre categories that you see being sold on bookshelves and online can be traced back to these 7 types. Below we're going to be breaking down these categories and give you examples in case you feel inspired and want to see it in real life. Also note that there are 144 categories, so buckle in, this could take a while.

Children's Story

A subgenre for children, these types of stories feature a child protagonist who has a unique ability and faces challenges that either require them to use their talents or that arise because they are different. There are often mythical/fantastical creatures or "sidekicks" who aide the protagonist and dispense advice. They are typically iconic and usually come in animal form. Since this subgenre caters to children too young to be considered young adult (YA) ready, the themes are life lessons such as overcoming adversity, working with others, finding allies, learning from your elders, or facing one's fears. Included in this subgenre would be middle grade fiction, which is meant for children between the ages of 8-12 (this is not a subgenre itself, just a maturity classification, which is why it's not separated into its own category). Examples: The Chronicles of Narnia, The Velveteen Rabbit, Charlotte's Web, A Wrinkle In Time, The Phantom Tollbooth

Young Adult

Catering to a teenage crowd, it makes sense for the protagonist to be a teen themselves. There is often magic involved or other paranormal elements. Typically these feature a magical antagonist that the protagonist must overcome. Common tropes are dramatic character growth, magic elements, unexpected interactions between magical elements and the real world, self-discovery, and love triangles that help the protagonist grow into adulthood. Examples: The Harry Potter Series, Six of Crows, The Wicked King, Beautiful Creatures, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Fairy Tale

A subgenre devoted to the retelling of fairy tales to make them more interesting for adult audiences or more modern. Motifs from fairy tale stories, particularly tropes from Grimm's fairy tales are the highlight here. Examples: Snow White and The Huntsman, Ella Enchanted, Cinder, Uprooted


Mixing humor with fantasy elements, books that fall into this category might include parodies of other more serious works. Technically this falls into the low fantasy subgenre (as opposed to high fantasy) but not all low fantasy is comedic in nature. We'll be learning more about low and high fantasy further down on this list. Examples: The Tough Guide to Fantasyland, Inspector Hobbes and the Bones, Small Gods, The Princess Bride


Focused on protagonists who have superhuman abilities, they usually feature tropes such as secret identities, crime fighting, and rescues. They also juxtapose the struggle between being human and being supernatural. Themes that fall into this category are: being an outcast, loss of humanity, struggle against good and evil, and trying to live in a society when you no longer belong. Examples: Steelheart, Ex-Heroes, Vicious, Worm, Soon I Will Be Invinsible


The key piece that differentiates this subgenre from others is it's urban setting. Works that fall into this category are set in urban settings but have fantasy elements such as the discovery of mythological creatures, coexistence or conflict between humans and paranormal beings, and other changes to city life. The protagonist or antagonist themselves can also either have magic or be part of this mythological subset themselves. Settings are not necessarily reality, they can have futuristic or historical elements.It depends on the overall aesthetic and mood you're trying to achieve. Time period is also flexible here. Examples: Moon Called, Rivers of London, Neverwhere, City of Bones


This refers to a fantasy story that is set in a modern-day, reality-based setting. It contains magic that is seamlessly tied into society so that it is not overtly obvious, nonsensical, or even something considered wondrous or out of the realm of societal norms. Typically it includes characters with paranormal abilities. Examples: The Raven Boys, Hounded, American Gods, The Magicians


Heroic adventures in fantastical places sums up what this subgenre refers to. This is often accompanied by intricate plots and lineages, a protagonist who is often reluctant to be a champion/ one that comes from humble beginnings, and an arch nemesis that the hero must then challenge and defeat in order to achieve their goal. Of course, being fantasy there is usually a mix of magic, fantasy elements (such as monsters), etc. in order to worldbuild and present unique challenges that will test the hero's character and resolve. Examples: The Name of the Wind, The Way of Kings, Legend, The Crimson Queen


A blend of fantasy and folklore, this twist on mythology features gods or goddesses as characters or could be a retelling of myths set in a fantasy realm or the modern world. Mythic fantasy and urban fantasy often overlap, but Mythic fantasy includes many contemporary works in non-urban settings. Examples: The Lightning Thief, The Mists of Avalon, The Sacred Band, Bear Daughter

Magical Realism

Presents a world where the mundane and magical coexist in harmony. It features magical circumstances or elements set in a realistic, ordinary setting. It requires a seamless balance between the two in order to be successful and must also convince the reader that the magic itself is possible regardless of whether or not it is logical. Examples: The Night Circus, One Hundred Years of Solitude, The House of Spirits, Like Water For Chocolate

Sword and Sorcery

Medieval settings, themes, and adventures make their debut here. Usually involves romantic subplots, magical characters or supernatural factors, and sword-wielding heroes engaged in dangerous, adrenaline-raising quests. Distinct from high fantasy, Sword and Sorcery tales focus mainly on personal battles rather than world-endangering matters. Examples: Reign of Madness, Conan, The Broken Sword

High Fantasy

Set in a fictional world, this focuses on epic characters or settings. The distinction between high fantasy and low fantasy is the world in which it takes place (the "real" world with magical elements for low fantasy). Usually these come with epic quests or journeys and an antagonist that threatens the fate of the entire realm. Examples: The Lord of The Rings, Game of Thrones, The Wheel of Time, The Lies of Locke Lamora

Low Fantasy

The opposite of high fantasy, this type takes place in a realistic world as opposed to a fictitious one. Magic is often present but does not have to be. The reason it's called "low" is because it refers to the level of fantasy elements actually present within the piece, and is not a representation on the quality of the subgenre itself. Examples: Tuck Everlasting, The Indian the Cupboard, Lies Ripped Open, Tiger's Dream

Dark Fantasy

Representing the darker side of fantasy, this subgenre often displays elements of horror, mystery, foreboding, and ominous feelings. It features dark/brooding tones with supernatural occurrences intermixed. Often written as contemporary fantasy, with the major difference being horror elements included. Examples: Prince of Thorns, The Blade Itself, Coraline, The Painted Man

Fantasy of Manners

A subgenre based off of the Comedy of Manners, it's primary function is on social commentary. It takes place in an urban setting and showcases morality and social structures, particularly for women, foregoing an elaborate plot to do so. It contains very little magic or fantastical creatures. Examples: Tooth and Claw, Shades of Milk and Honey, The Tropic of Serpents: A Memoir of Lady Trent, An Alchemy of Masques and Mirrors


Set in a historical time period, generally before the 20th century, with the added benefit of magic. Legends focusing on Arthurian, Celtic, or Dark Ages historical timelines generally fall within this subgenre. Examples: On Stranger Tides, Grave Mercy, Crown Duel, A Scholar of Magics

Alternate History

This subgenre offers a fictional account set within a real historical period. It highlights real historical events tweaked to incorporate elements of magic and fantasy. There are often "what if" scenarios that occur at important points in history and present outcomes that are different than what's on the historical record. Examples: Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, Wild Cards I, His Majesty's Dragon, The Years of Rice and Salt


Bringing out the bright-side in horror, this subgenre can manifest as either a satire or a spoof of traditional horror themes. It mixes horror and gore with dark humor. Comedy Horror is typically categorized into three types: black comedy, parody, and spoof. Examples: John Dies At The End, Bloodsucking Fiends, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Gil's All Fright Diner

Quiet Horror

Dubbed "quiet" because it relies on more subtle elements of fear rather than gore or violence. Also known as "soft" horror, it contains a creeping sense of dread in which much of the violence is left to the reader's imagination. Examples: The Devil's Bed, In Silent Graves, Waiting Out Winter, Doorbells At Dusk

Young Adult

Like all other young adult novels, this sports a teenage protagonist. There is a more subdued version of horror and no excessive gore in this subgenre. It typically has monsters, violent deaths, disturbing creatures, or slight gore. There are often coming-of-age issues present, such as becoming an individual outside of parents, friendships, young romance/sexuality, and rebellion. Examples: Anna Dressed In Blood, The Forest of Hands and Teeth, The Diviners, Sawkill Girls

Creepy Kids

Children become the antagonist in this type of story, as they are either placed under an evil spell or are born inherently evil, turning against those they love in the story. They must be stopped by either other children or adults in order for lives to be saved. Examples: The Other, The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, Such Small Hands, The Fifth Child


A horror story placed in a historical time period. Based on real-life events or historical eras, it includes a fictional retelling of real historical figures or atrocities that occurred, providing a twist to known historic events. Examples: Twelve, The Terror, The Edinburgh Dead, The Hunger


Witchcraft, wizardry, esoteric brotherhoods, and communication with spirits abound in this subgenre. Other common themes and tropes are spiritualism, psychic phenomena, Voodoo, and characters who have mysterious or secret knowledge and power supposedly attainable only through magical or supernatural means. Examples: A Discovery of Witches, The Mark, The Witches of New York, Swan Song


Nightmares come alive in this subgenre where non-human creatures hunt, kill and otherwise prey on humans. Monsters come in various forms: classic monsters, mythological monsters, neo-monsters, small creatures, aliens, giant monsters, werewolves, vampires, and zombies to name a few. Examples: The Mongrel, Relic, The Sorrows, Little Black Spots


Folklore and mythology take a dark turn in this subgenre. This is counted in the horror genre rather than in the fantasy category because it takes place in the human world rather than in a fictional one. Examples: The Selkie, The Djinn, The Queen of the Damned, Something Wicked This Way Comes


In this subgenre, ghosts or demons haunt a particular house or another setting, such as woods, ancient burial grounds, abandoned insane asylums, etc. The focus is often on correcting a wrong that was committed in order to set the spirits free. Examples: The Woman in Black, Ghost Story, The Haunting of Hill House, House of Leaves


A more romantic take on horror, it involves mystery, castle ruins, the fall of the aristocracy, spirits/hauntings, and madness. The varying locations in the house tend to be symbolic of the mental and emotional facets of its occupants. It ties themes of horror, death, and romance together. Examples: Dracula, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Wuthering Heights, Frankenstein


Aliens and invasions galore! A subgenre where it is assumed that aliens or otherworldly beings originally ruled our planet and will someday return to destroy humanity. Named after American author H.P. Lovecraft (1890-1937), it emphasizes the horror of the unknown in regards to space, more than gore or other traditional elements of horror. Examples: A Study in Emerald, Sherlock Holmes and the Shadwell Shadows, The Rhesus Chart, The Ballad of Black Tom


Man-made creations become a source of terror in these stories. Settings vary from apocalyptic wastelands. to mad scientists' laboratories. Common tropes like pandemics, rampant pollution, and mutated animals also make their debut here. Examples: Feed, The Shrinking Man, Swan Song, Frankenstein

Body Horror

Arguably the most repulsive, a subgenre devoted to the violation of the human body. Graphic violence and excessive gore rule the stage here and go as far as to include things like disfigurement, mutation, graphic transformation, degeneration, and destruction of the physical body. There are often themes of biological horror, organic horror and visceral horror. Examples: Annihilation, The Girl With All the Gifts, The Troop, Body Horror


The mind becomes the tormentor in psychological horror stories. The protagonist's mind becomes his or her own undoing, such as a serial killer. These involve fears/phobia, mental instability, emotional insecurities, etc. Supernatural and haunting subgenres come into play here, as the protagonist may suspect paranormal horrors as the cause for their troubles as opposed to their own delusional mind. For this reason these types often have an unreliable narrator. Examples: American Psycho, Haunted, Diary Of A Madman, The Shining

Psychic Abilities

Psychic abilities are an awesome addition to this genre. It comes with abilities such as reading minds, speaking with the dead, seeing the past or future, or being able to move objects telepathically. This subgenre is often referred to as paranormal horror and shares crossover tropes with science fiction. However, in science fiction, these psychic abilities are generally explored in ways that are good, while in psychic abilities horror, psychic powers are a source of terror. Examples:

Extreme Horror

With a focus on gore and death, it embraces extreme levels of violence. Known also as hardcore horror or splatterpunk, this subgenre is known as the scariest one on the market. The gore specifically is highly detailed and nothing is left to the imagination. Examples: Carrie, A Stir of Echoes, Horns, The Angel of Death


A subgenre that you can curl up in a blanket in front of a fireplace to read. Novels like these contain an amateur detective, take place in a small, close-knit community, usually have a bloodless crime in need of solving and a victim the audience doesn't know personally. Sex and violence are also downplayed. Examples: The Golden Tresses of the Dead, Crewel and Unusual, Death by Committee, The Quiche of Death


The protagonist in this subgenre is usually a professional chef. Murder and/or other elements of crime are often combined with food and recipes. Common settings or themes include bakery/dessert, barbecue, chef, coffee/tea, cooking class, farm/orchard, cheese, chocolate, food clubs/critics, organic food, pizza, restaurants, and wine/vineyards. Examples: Catering to Nobody, Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder, Prime Cut, English Triffle


Unique because the protagonist is the one committing the crime, it usually involves thefts, swindles, or kidnappings perpetrated by the main characters and "seen" by the reader. This is often told with humor, cleverness, and a sense of adventure. The ensuing police investigation or attempt to solve the crime thereafter are shown but are not the primary focus. Examples: The Lies of Locke Lamora, Heist Society, The Hot Rock, Murder in Cherry Hills

Children's Story

Intended for a young audience who are not yet classified as young adult (typically 6 – 12 years old). There is usually a child protagonist who solves a mystery, often with the help of his/her friends. Usually mild to no violence, where the main point is a life lesson. Examples: Three Times Lucky, The Secret of the Old Clock: Nancy Drew #1, The Westing Game, Holes

Amateur Sleuth

The sleuth who solves these mysteries has limited experience, and is typically a regular average Joe. They don't have ties to law enforcement or a detective or sleuthing agency. Their motive is to solve the crime because it was committed against someone close to him or her. A subgenre of cozy. Examples: A Willing Murder, Small Town Spin, Prose and Cons, Murder Must Advertise

Young Adult

A teenage protagonist solves a crime. Adults in these stories are generally unhelpful, corrupt, or ignore the help offered by the protagonist. There are often "coming of age" themes and violence is kept to a minimum. Examples: One of Us Is Lying, One of Us Is Lying, Pretty Little Liars, A Study in Charlotte

Bumbling Detective

Self-explanatory, a subgenre where the mystery is solved, but not before a bunch of mistakes occur. This is a comedic spin on mysteries where the protagonist misses important clues, makes the process of solving the crime harder, and generally speaking everything becomes a big mess. The plots are often intricate because of this. Examples: The Spellman Files: Document #1, The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie: A Flavia de Luce Mystery, Heat Wave, Cold Steal

Furry Sleuth

A different perspective on mystery- literally. A dog or cat investigates a crime. It is most often told from the animal's point of view, depicting them as fully intelligent and able to communicate with each other. Most books that qualify as furry sleuth mysteries are subgenres of cozy mysteries in their tone. Examples: Tail Gait, Downton Tabby, The Bark Before Christmas, Eight Dogs Flying


In this one, the detective has a handicap that helps him/her solve a crime. The detective might be blind, deaf, or unable to walk, but the handicap helps the main character see things from a different perspective in order to solve the mystery. Examples: The Question of the Dead Mistress, For Whom the Minivan Rolls, The Question of the Felonious Friend, The Fault Tree


This mystery leaves no doubt "who" the perpetrator is. Rather, the story revolves around "how" the criminal is caught. These novels begin with the reader witnessing the murder, thus the plot revolves around how the perpetrator will be caught. Examples: The Demolished Man, The Crossing, A Kiss Before Dying, The Greek Coffin Mystery


Opposite of the Howdunit, the Whodunit focuses on finding out who committed the crime. The perpetrator is discovered at the end to be one of the least likely characters. These stories are often complex and plot driven, allowing the audience the opportunity to engage in the same process of deduction as the protagonist throughout the investigation of a crime. Examples: The Sentence is Death, Dead Girl Running, The Cabin, A Study in Scarlet

Doctor Detective

A physician plays the detective role in this mystery subgenre. In these stories, physicians apply their own specialized scientific knowledge to solve crimes that cannot otherwise be solved by police officers or detectives. Examples: Diagnosis Murder: The Dead Letter, The Doctor Digs a Grave, Blood Dancing, Carved in Bone

Private Detective

A private investigator, whether professional or amateur, solves a crime or locates a missing person. This subgenre began around the same time as speculative fiction in the mid-nineteenth century and has remained popular amongst mystery lovers. Examples: Career of Evil, G Is for Gumshoe, Maisie Dobbs, Lethal White

Police Procedural

Catching a criminal is done by professionals in this subgenre. Police detectives and their team of technicians set out to solve a crime. Point of view shifts back and forth between the detective and the criminal, so you get both sides of the story. Serial killer mysteries are often included in this category, as are forensic mysteries. Examples: The Black Echo, Rules of Prey, Faceless Killers, Fair Warning

Child in Peril

A mystery in which a child is kidnapped or disappears. Often, it is the child's parents who come to the child's rescue. The focus of the story is on the parents' anguish and loss as they try to find their child. While there may be violence, it is not shown being done to the child. Examples: Home, The Couple Next Door, The Boy in the Suitcase, The Lost Boy

Woman in Peril

In this mystery, a woman is in trouble and needs to be saved. A more modern, feminist take on this subgenre is a story that involves a woman being the victim of a crime and saving herself through her own wit and action. Examples: The Shining Girls, Kiss the Girls, Room, The Hunger Games

Third World

This type shows a unique, foreign culture with culturally diverse characters. Relying heavily on characterization, these stories can range from cozy to hard-boiled, where the clues and action stem from cultural differences. Examples: Murder in Mesopotamia: A Hercule Poirot Mystery, The Perfect Murder, The Gigolo Murder, Death on the Nile


Credit for this category goes to Dashiell Hammet (1894-1961), a former contributor to pulp magazines. It contains overtly graphic violence and sex, and is often set in a gritty urban setting. Slang is often used throughout to help solidify the urban feel. Examples: The Big Sleep, The Maltese Falcon, The Black Dahlia, Red Harvest


Like the name suggests, the protagonist is usually an attorney who solves the case while the police are unable to do so or are corrupt. The protagonist's life is often at peril, as is the lives of his significant others or family. This subgenre also includes courtroom dramas. Examples: The Runaway Jury, The Lincoln Lawyer, The Gods of Guilt, Defending Jacob

Locked Room

Edgar Allen Poe is considered to be the first writer in this subgenre with his 1841 short story "The Murders in the Rue Morgue." Also known as puzzle mysteries, in this type of story a crime is committed in a location that seems impossible to enter/exit without being noticed. The protagonist must use careful observation and extraordinary logic to solve the mystery. Examples: And Then There Were None, The Sign of Four, The Mystery of the Yellow Room, The King Is Dead


Ghosts and the supernatural feature in this subgenre, as paranormal criminals take over. Often overlapping with fantasy, these stories use traditional mystery tropes, but with a strange paranormal twist. They also fall under the cozy subgenre category as they lack extensive gore or violence. Examples: Final Shadows, Secondhand Spirits: A Witchcraft Mystery, Better Read Than Dead, Dead Until Dark


This is a story that takes place in the past. The detective must solve a crime within the specified time period. Many authors of historical mysteries focus on particular eras or periods, such as Elizabethan England or Ancient China. Examples: The Lost Girls of Paris, The Paragon Hotel, The Golden Tresses of the Dead, Silent in the Grave


They say laughter can see you through times of hardships, and that's just what it does in romantic comedies. Here the theme of strangers who are perfect for each other find love, or childhood sweethearts coming back together after heartbreak and loss showcase loves that are quirky, genuine, and oftentimes a bit messy. Examples: Wallbanger, Can You Keep a Secret?, Perfection, Roomies


Lovers meet or unite during the Christmas or Hanukkah season in this subgenre. Common tropes are family, restoring past heartache, and returning to holiday traditions. Real heartwarming, wholesome books. Examples: Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor, Unwrapping Her Perfect Match: A London Legends Christmas Romance, Baby, It's Cold Outside, Royal Holiday


In these novels, there is a spiritual journey that the couples take that is an inherent part of their romance. It emphasizes a religious or spiritual connection as an important aspect of a relationship. It can be set in any context or belief system. Examples: What the Wind Knows, LASS: A Friends to Lovers Standalone Romance, Down a Country Road, Redeeming Love


This subgenre takes place in settings post the 1950s, paying special care to the social standards of the time. For example, women quit working and married/had children prior to 1970. After the 70s, women kept their careers and developed into the super moms of today who fight to have it all. These stories have complex plots and represent realistic modern-day challenges. Examples: We Shouldn't, Unmarriageable, Faking It, The Wedding Date


A romance that revolves around a sport such as football, race car driving, rodeos, gymnastics, ice skating, etc. Much of the romantic interaction takes place during practicing or performing this sport, and there are often elements of action combined with the romance. Examples: Ruthless King, Overnight Sensation, Fired Up, The Hook Up


A subgenre where one or both persons involved in the relationship are members or former members of the military. These novels usually showcase challenges unique to military couples (like long distance, lack of communication, cheating, etc.). They also feature settings like bases, vessels, airfields, battlefields, and foreign countries. Flashbacks are common as well. Examples: The Darkest Hour, The Unsung Hero, Whispers in the Dark, Wild Card

Young Adult

Both the protagonist and love interest are adolescents. Common themes for this type of romance are exploring sexuality, drama, love triangles, obstacles such as family/socioeconomic class, academic pursuits, social standing, rivalry, insecurity, competition. LGBTQ relationships frequently fall into this category as well. Examples: King of Scars, Be The Girl, Even if I Fall, The Fault in Our Stars


A popular subgenre, this type focuses on a wealthy and powerful love interest. Like a modern "Cinderella" story, the woman is usually of lower socioeconomic class than the man. Examples: Fifty Shades of Grey, The Marriage Bargain, Bared to You, The Marriage Bargain

Fantasy Romance

A romance that takes place in a magical setting. Often there are mystical creatures, adventures, and tropes involving things like time travel, and superhuman abilities. Examples: Sin & Magic, White Stag, Nightchaser, A Promise of Fire

Romantic Suspense

Suspense and mystery elements that add to the romantic plot in Romantic Suspense novels. While the focus of these stories is on the romance itself, they contain common tropes to mystery novels such as stalkers, crimes to be solved, kidnapping, and even murder. Examples: A Merciful Fate, Moonlight Scandals: A de Vincent Novel, You Will Suffer, Jane Eyre

Time Travel

Time travel is the main obstacle separating the couple featured here. A recurring theme in this subgenre is the conflict of falling in love and making the decision to stay in the alternate time or return to the time the protagonist came from. Some time travel romance settings are set in present day, and the character travels to the past. In others, the character travels to the future. Examples: Outlander, The Time Traveler's Wife, A Knight in Shining Armor, Love Beyond Time

Science Fiction Romance

Fraught with futuristic elements, space travel, and aliens, this subgenre tends to highlight human/alien relationships.Tropes that are shared with science fiction, such as technological innovation, space exploration, and living on other planets/worlds are also staples in this subgenre. Examples: Nightchaser, Angie's Gladiator: A SciFi Alien Romance, Rising From the Depths


Relationships with a supernatural being, such as a vampire, werewolf, demon, shapeshifter, angel, ghost, witch or other entity. Settings can range from science fiction, fantasy, or any world with magical elements involved. Examples: Summoned to Thirteenth Grave, Vengeance Road, Alpha's Secret: A Bear Shifter MMA Romance, Dragon Bound


A dark romance set in a in an old house or castle that is haunted, with some light horror/mystery elements present. Common tropes are family secrets, insanity, madness, incest, and secrets hidden within the home. There is also often a woman in peril theme. Example: House of Shadows, Nocturne for a Widow, Mist of Midnight, Northanger Abbey

Western Romance

Set in the Wild West (or West, if contemporary) these feature a cowboy/cowgirl as the protagonist. This subgenre contains both historical western romance and contemporary western romance novels. Historical western romance involves tropes such as a wagon train journey, a bank robbery, a land war, a cattle drive, a saloon brawl, or a gunfight. Contemporary western romance novels are generally set near small towns with ranches, ranges, rodeos, and honky-tonks, and the protagonist rides a truck and a horse. Examples: The Texan's Wager, Comanche Moon, Texas Glory, Silver Lining


Set during the period of the British Regency (1811–1820) or early 19th century. The plot and stylistic conventions are unique to this time period, such as intelligent, fast-paced dialogue between the protagonists, and little to no physical contact. The plots often involve social activities such as carriage rides, morning calls, dinner parties, plays, operas, balls, salons, tea, and marriages of convenience. Examples: Not the Duke's Darling, Beauty and the Baron: A Regency Fairy Tale Retelling, Ten Kisses to Scandal, Devil in Winter

I'm going to stop here for now. There's a lot of information to digest and that's why I decided to break this ultimate list down into a part 1 and part 2. Hopefully if these are the genres you're interested in writing about this helped you and if we haven't gotten to yours yet, I hope you stick around because good things are coming this Thursday in part 2. Happy Writing!



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